Developer Installation Instructions

Developer Installation Instructions

This guide is for you if:

(Note: Original document tested on OSX on 4 Nov 2016, use common sense!)

In the beginning was Atom (highly customisable editor) and Julia. Developers started to assemble a collection of tools that lets us use Atom as a Julia IDE. And this collection has become known as Juno. If you are standard user, the uber-juno package takes care of installing all of these components behind-the-scenes. But if you want to actually dig in and tweak some of them, you are going to need to assemble the parts individually. That's what this guide covers.

Ok, you should have Atom and a Julia> Julia-prompt side-by-side.

Julia> Pkg.status() should say no packages installed! Packages menu drop down in Atom shouldn't have "Julia" yet.

apm install           # ~/.atom/packages/ink
apm install  # ~/.atom/packages/julia-client

You can observe this creates a local mirror of each GitHub repo. (Note: You can sync all local repos with Pkg.update()

If you now relaunch Atom you will see the Packages menu drop down now has a "Julia" entry. Packages -> Julia -> Open Console Try 1+1 and it will fail "Julia could not be started!"

(Note that Julia> Pkg.status() still reports nothing).

(NOTE: you can actually skip this step because when you do 1+1 a couple of steps further down it will automatically perform this command!)

Now Julia> Pkg.status() will list a ton of stuff:

Julia> Pkg.status()
1 required packages:
 - Atom                          0.5.4
43 additional packages:
 - ASTInterpreter                0.0.4
 - AbstractTrees                 0.0.4
 - ArgParse                      0.4.0
 - BinDeps                       0.4.5
 - Blink                         0.4.3
 - COFF                          0.0.2
 - ...


ls ~/.julia/lib/v0.5/  
Atom.ji		CodeTools.ji   Hiccup.ji	HttpParser.ji	Juno.ji		MacroTools.ji	Mustache.ji	SHA.ji
BinDeps.ji	Codecs.ji	   Homebrew.ji	HttpServer.ji	LNR.ji		MbedTLS.ji	Mux.ji		URIParser.ji
Blink.ji	Compat.ji	   HttpCommon.ji	JSON.ji		Lazy.ji		Media.ji	Reexport.ji	WebSockets.ji

ls ~/.atom/packages	ink		julia-client	language-julia

Now restarting Atom, doing Packages -> Julia -> Open Console -> 1+1 it still fails with "Julia could not be started!"

(Note: <– this is what actually happens when you type 1+1 if you're interested).

So at this point you should have a standard 'Juno' i.e. Julia-in-Atom installation. You can run Julia code in the console (just like the Julia prompt you get from, also you can create and run files and even debug with breakpoints etc.

Wait! Something is missing – there is no syntax highlighting, and the buttons along the left margin aren't there yet!

There must be some stuff that uber-juno installed that we haven't! gives:

requirements = [

So we could go into Atom -> Preferences -> install -> 'language-julia' and similarly for the other 2 we don't have.

NOTE: we could probably alternatively use apm to do it from the command line like we did above. Googling finds: which says to do apm install language-julia. Ah, but that is going to install the stock release version that Atom has in its repositories, so if we want instead the master version, we should probably be doing something like:

Great! It worked!

Now let's get that toolbar!

If you want cutting-edge versions of these you will have to repeat the above process: locate the GitHub repo & use apm. Instead let's just do the standard install from Atom:

Of course if you find you need bleeding-edge on either of these, you can just uninstall from Atom and use apm.

Now let's work on bringing the key packages up to bleeding edge!

julia> Pkg.checkout("Atom")
INFO: Checking out Atom master...
INFO: Pulling Atom latest master...
INFO: No packages to install, update or remove

julia> Pkg.status()
1 required packages:
 - Atom                          0.5.4+             master
43 additional packages:
 - ASTInterpreter                0.0.4
 - AbstractTrees                 0.0.4
 - ArgParse                      0.4.0
 - BinDeps                       0.4.5
 - Blink                         0.4.3
 - COFF                          0.0.2
 - ...

Notice we have brought Atom up to bleeding edge. Now if the package maintainers push a new version, we can sync with it by doing Pkg.update()

(Note: You could do foreach( Pkg.checkout, ["Blink", "CodeTools", "Hiccup", "etc"] )).

Quick note on using the Julia package manager, i.e. Pkg.bla

If you want to revert/unsync a particular package, do"foo"). At time of writing Hiccup was causing err.. hiccups so it needed to be reverted.

Pkg.update() will update/sync all checked-out Julia packages! The corresponding command for syncing Atom packages is apm upgrade.)

Complete Pkg doc at

Pkg.clone("")  # <-- UNREGISTERED package! (*)

() *Registered packages can be installed with Pkg.add, UNREGISTERED packages require Pkg.clone + a complete URL.

That list comes straight from the bottom of

Why didn't we have to Pkg.add each of those first? Because when we did Pkg.add("Atom") it did Pkg.add on all of Atom's dependencies (i.e. everything in one of which is Gallium. And this Pkg.add("Gallium") then did Pkg.add on all of Gallium's dependencies:

You can see most of those list-items in Gallium's REQUIRE file, and presumably the others are to be found somewhere in the dependency tree.